bpo_queue - Message Queue Routines

The bpo_queue module provides the mechanisms for queueing messages between processes, and for rendevousing on a queue for a message.

    struct bpo_Q * mpCreateQ( const void *hint,
			      const char *q_name,
			      int q_max, int q_flags,
			      int q_mech );
The mpCreateQ routine allows for the creation of a queue, and how the queue should react when messages are placed on it. This routine should also be called when the queue already exists as a multiple reader and your process wishes to be registered as a reader.

The parameters are as follows:

void *hint
A hint pointer for which segment to use.
char *q_name
The name the queue should be known by.
int q_max
Specifies the maximum number of items that are allowed on the queue.
int q_flags
The flags parameter can be one of two values.
int q_mech
This specifies what form of notification should be used when an item is placed on the queue. It currently may be one of two values.
The routine either returns a pointer to the queue structure, or NULL if there is any problem. The routine may fail for a number of reasons, these include; Note that it is possible for a process to take over a existing Q_SOLE_READER queue structure if the process that created it is no longer running.

    int mpPutMsg( const char *q_name, bpo_Node_t *q_node );
This function attaches the node to the queue in question. The function function returns -1 on a serious error (queue does not exist, queue has been deleted, etc), 0 if the queue is full and 1 if the message was added successfully.

    void *mpGetMsg( const char *q_name, const void *hint );
This function attempts to remove an item from the named queue. If the function succeeds the value returned will be a pointer to whatever type of structure was pointed to when the queue node was initialised. If there is a problem (queue does not exist, nothing on the queue) then the function returns NULL.

The following functions deal with a higher layer abstraction, a queue message. This structure
    struct bpo_Q_Mesg
    bpo_Node_t      Q_Node;         /* Node for linking to Q */
    int	            Q_Reply_id;     /* id of reply Q */
contains a node for linking the item into a queue, and an id of a queue which should exist, and where the message should be sent after it has been processed.

The usual operation of these functions would be as follows

    Process One                         Process Two
    Create reply queue			Create work Q
    Create item with Q_mesg		Wait on work Q
    Post to work Q (with reply Q)
					GetMsg from work Q
    Wait Reply Q			process message
					Reply message
    Get message from reply Q
The two functions are:
    int mpPostMsg( const char *q_name,
		    struct bpo_Q_Mesg *mesp,
		    struct bpo_Q *reply_q );
    int mpReplyMsg( struct bpo_Q_Mesg *mesp );
As is apparent, the mpPostMsg routine, takes a name parameter specifying the queue to attach the node to, a pointer to the bpo_Q_Mesg structure containing the node to be linked, and an id of the reply queue.

The mpReplyMsg function takes the reply queue id, searches the queue list for the required queue and sends the message to the queue.

    void *mpFindQ( const char *q_name, const void *hint );
This function returns a pointer to the requested queue if it exists, or NULL if it does not.

    int mpCheckQ( const char *q_name, const void *hint );
This function returns that number of items on the queue, or -1 if the queue cannot be found.

    int mpWaitQ( const char *name, const void *hint );
The mpWaitQ function waits on the named queue until there is either a message on the queue, or the process is signalled. The function returns the number of items on the queue or -1 if the queue could not be found.

    void *bpo_send_and_get( const char *q_name,
			    struct bpo_Q_Mesg *bpo_msg,
			    struct bpo_Q *reply_q );
The bpo_send_and_get function provides a convenient wrapper around a
sequence together with suitable error trapping.