Utility Library - mplib1

This library provides a range of routines covering the following general areas.
Private double-linked lists.
Simple configuration file access.
Optimal List-Merge sort.
Dynamically configurable memory display routines.
String parsing.
Shared Memory Access/Manipulation/Management.

Routine Documentation

The various functions are now dealt with based on the particular include file which contains the function definitions.
#include <mplib1/stricmp.h>
#include <mplib1/mpstrtok.h>
#include <mplib1/fgetline.h>
#include <mplib1/fprintfile.h>
#include <mplib1/timestamp.h>
#include <mplib1/dumphex.h>
#include <mplib1/lock_file.h>
#include <mplib1/lmsort.h>
#include <mplib1/cfg_file.h>
#include <mplib1/dl_list.h>
#include <mplib1/pid_check.h>
#include <mplib1/dl_lru.h>
#include <mplib1/vre.h>
#include <mplib1/min_list.h>
#include <mplib1/match_tok.h>
#include <mplib1/gdbm_util.h>
#include <mplib1/stopwatch.h>
#include <mplib1/pid_check.h>
#include <mplib1/build_argv.h>
#include <mplib1/daemon.h>
Shared Memory Routines