Shared Memory Locking Strategies in mplib1

There is a set of symbols of which one and only one should be used, which defines which inter-process locking mechanism to use.

They are currently:

defines the use of pthread_mutex_* functions.
defines the use of msem_* functions.
defines the use of mutex_* functions.
defines use of GCC inline assembler for i386 family of processors.
defines use of assembler for i386 on SVR4.
defines use of assembler for i386 on SVR4.

Locking on a New Platform

The choice of which locking mechanism to use is the most difficult aspect of porting the library to a new platform.

There are two fundamental types of lock that are provided by the library. These are the bit lock and the pid lock. In both cases, there is no requirement for ordering on waiting processes.

The Bit Lock

The most basic lock is the bit-lock. The fundamental operation that needs to be provided to implement this is a multi-processor safe atomic test-and-set operation and a suitable clear operation.

Most of the implementations so far have used assembler code to implement the base operations. In one case (SINIX) there is a suitable bit-locking library provided with the system (-lmutex) which provides suitable functions.

The pid Lock

The requirements of the pid lock API are similar to that of an atomic lock with an added requirement that should the owning COE of a lock die it should be possible for another COE to detect this and to take ownership of the lock. The pid lock then provides the ablity to perform nested locks on the pid structure by the owning COE and only releasing the lock when the lock count drops to zero.

In most cases this is achieved by implementing a super-structure based upon bit locks which tracks use of which pid is owner. In one case (threads under Solaris) the locking is performed using a pthread_mutex lock which both the wait mechanism and the unlock on owner death mechanism.

Lock Functionality


The pthreads locking code uses a basic structure like
    struct bpo_thread_lock
    pthread_mutex_t         mp;
    pthread_mutexattr_t     mattr;

And uses the following pthread functions.


The mutex locking code uses the required library locking type abilock_t. It also uses the following library functions


The use of the msem_* functions is currently under research. The particular attributes of the msem funcitons that cause problems are that although the functions provide a queued access to the lock, they do not provide any protection against ownership death. Thus these functions cannot be used as the sole lock technique for pid locks. This implies that they must be used for bit locking only, and that to allow correct unlocking the code must not call any blocking functions. This could cause deadlock situations, which is why status of this area of code is under research.

Having said that, by treating the msemaphore structure as a simple bitlock with no undo capability, and polling (with waits) a reasonable facsimile of the required functionality.


The assembler variations of the bit-locking code rely on three (or two) simple instructions. If the processor provides an exchange operation then the first two instructions can be encoded as
    XCHG( address, 1 );
    XCHG( address, 0 );

Context Of Execution - COE

A Context Of Execution is a cover-all term used to describe an individual entity in the space that is both processes and threads. The system as implemented currently does